Your Personal Information: Why we need it and what we do with it.
IME will adhere to the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016. IME will collect only specific student data that are required for registration and accreditation purposes. IME will require to identify you as the individual you claim to be and therefore your name and date of birth are required data which will be retained indefinitely. The reason for this is that there may be instances in the future whereby you return to IME with queries regarding your achievement, dates of study, or for issue of replacement certificates.
Copies of birth certificates, passports or identity cards will be used to verify your identity for registration purposes and these will be destroyed immediately the exercise is complete.
Other data that IME may request, for example, geographical location, gender, ethnicity, ability status, employment status, contact details, will be retained only throughout the duration of your registration, after which they will be destroyed.
Your personal data will be held securely and access will only be provided to IME staff and IME’s academic partners (SUC).
IME will only ever pass on student’s data to another organisation in the following situations: as required by a Government Appointed Regulator, or where IME is obliged by law to divulge such information. IME will never pass on student personal data to third party organisations for any marketing or similar commercial purpose.
Students may request to see all the data held about them by IME at any time. This request will be in writing and supported by identification evidence that demonstrates the person making the request is who they claim to be.
In the unlikely event that the protection of personal data held by IME is breached, IME will immediately contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and will aim to immediately alert all affected individuals as soon as is practical.